木登り勇者とセーラー戦士 〜俺と蛙さんの異世界放浪記〜

by AlphaGames Inc.



Alpha Polis popular light novel of "frog-san and my different world Hourouki" character "Sailor" is run through the top of the tree, exhilarating run game!


◆異世界に突然生えた『巨大な豆の樹』の頂上には何がある?新感覚ランゲームが登場!◆人気ライトノベル『俺と蛙さんの異世界放浪記』のジャックと豆の木のエピソードをゲーム化!セーラー戦士がどこまでも伸びる巨大な樹を頂上目指してひた走る!フリック操作で障害物やお邪魔キャラ達をタイミング良く避けてひたすら樹の上を目指す簡単操作のランゲームしかし!頂上はゴールじゃない!?なんと樹を伸ばすことができちゃう!木登りで集めたマナを使ってどこまでも樹を伸ばし続けよう!7層毎に手に入る『手紙』を読んで、この樹の謎に迫れ!伸ばし続けた先にあるのは果たして…?◆単純明快!カンタン操作で颯爽と樹を駆け登れ!◆フリック操作でジャンプ、スライディングが自在にできちゃう!◆樹を登るだけじゃ無い!アイテムを集めるお楽しみも!◆『マナ』を集めて樹を伸ばそう!『コイン』を集めてお助けアイテムをGET!『金の卵』で秘密の石板を解放!◆ランゲーム初!?LVアップシステム搭載で初心者でも安心!◆走るほどLVが上がって同じ区間でも早く着ける!LVが上がれば同じマナでも沢山樹を伸ばすことが出来るよ!原作未読でも全く問題なし!誰でも楽しめるカンタンゲーム!原作ファンはニヤッとする事間違いなし!?!ランキング搭載だけどゆる~い感じで駆け登り、最高記録を競い合おう!◆『俺と蛙さんの異世界放浪記』原作紹介 ◆ある日、魔法使いの老人によって異世界に召喚されてしまった「タロー」は800万という桁外れの魔力を持ってしまい、元の世界に戻ること以外はなんでも出来てしまうようになってしまった。タローは召喚によって力尽きてしまった魔法使いの老人を蛙の姿で生き返らせて、二人で異世界を旅する事に。道中で妖精郷や竜の谷を訪れ、同じく異世界から召喚されたセーラー戦士とも知り合い、ゆる~い感じで異世界での生活をエンジョイ中!?+++++++アルファポリスでは、様々な小説、漫画が無料で読み放題!小説・漫画投稿も随時受付中!・アルファポリスPC向けサイトhttp://www.alphapolis.co.jp/・公式Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/alphapolis・公式Twitterhttps://twitter.com/alpha_polis◆ Whats in the top of the "tree of giant beans" that grew suddenly in a different world there? New sense run game appeared! ◆Popular light novel game of the episode of Jack and the Beanstalk of "I and the frogs different world Hourouki"! Sailor to run warriors non Aiming summit a huge tree that also extends far!Easy operation of the run game to avoid timely obstacles and bother you characters in the flick operation intently aim over the treeHowever! Summit is not a goal! ?What it would be able to extend the tree!Far using the mana that is collected in the tree climbing also tries to continue extending the tree!Read the "letter" that enters the hand every seven layers, and Semare to the mystery of this tree!Really it is there to continued stretched ahead ...?◆ straightforward! Easy operation and climb up the dashing and tree! ◆Jump in the flick operation, sliding me she can freely!It is not just climb a tree ◆! I hope you to collect the item! ◆Let to stretch a tree by collecting "Mana"!And GET your help items by collecting "coins"!To release the secrets of the slate in the "gold of the egg"!◆ run game first! ? The peace of mind even beginners with LV-up system installed! ◆to run as LV is to put as early as in the same period up!LV is can a lot of things to extend the tree in the same mana if rises!Totally no problem even in the original unread! Anyone enjoy easy game!Original fan is sure to be a grin! ? !Its ranking equippedThe climb came in the loose ~ Lee felt, let Kisoiao the best record!◆ "frog-san and my different world Hourouki" original introduction ◆One day, had been summoned to a different world by the Witch of the elderly "tallow" is will have the extraordinary magic of 8 million, except that it returns to the original of the world has become so she can anything.Taro is revive the old man of the witch that had exhaustion by summons in the form of frog, I decided to travel a different world with two people.Along the way to visit the valley of fairy Township and dragon in, as well acquainted with Sailor warrior was summoned from another world, loose-stomach in enjoy life in the different world with the feeling! ?+++++++In the alpha Police, reading in a variety of novels, comics and free unlimited!Novels and manga in the post also at any time accepted!Alpha Police PC-friendly sitehttp://www.alphapolis.co.jp/· Official Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/alphapolis· Official Twitterhttps://twitter.com/alpha_polis・リザルト画面での所持数追加・ログインボーナスのマナ調整・表示及び、一部不具合の修正・一部メッセージの変更